Aktualności firmy

Przenośny system wykrywania i analizy usterek elektrowni


A portable fault detection and analysis system based on virtual instrument is designed to meet the requirement of fault detection for a certain type of power station. On the basis of analyzing the common faults of this type of power station, the test system can collect the data of the starting and control lines in the power station, and use Lab VIEW software to build the test system for line monitoring and data analysis, so as to solve the problems of detection and data analysis of the power station. The practical application shows that the system has the characteristics of accurate test results, stable and reliable operation, convenient operation and simple maintenance, and can meet the needs of the equipment detection and troubleshooting.


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Shenzhen Taiwoo Battery Co., Ltd.
2F, budynek A, park przemysłowy Junxinglong, Zhoushi Road, Shiyan Street, dzielnica Baoan, miasto Shenzhen, prowincja Guangzhou, P, R.Chiny
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